Life Coaching, Tutoring, Proofing and Editing, Coach's Tips
Due to CoVid-19, there are no in-person services at this time. All sessions will continue to be remote.
Students in grades 7 & 8, high school, university, plus adults are welcome.
See you soon! Donna

Services Customized to Your Needs
"Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
All services and programs are individualized for each client. I use the client's strengths to support their needs. The sessions are positive, respectful and even fun!
Elementary Grades 7 & 8
Secondary Grades 9 to 12
College/University clients

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waitng for. We are the change that we seek." ~ Barack Obama
Each person has many strengths which can be utilized to help change the parts of ourselves (or our lives) that no longer work for us. We have the ability to alleviate our pain and to work through difficulties or crises in order to more fully understand our lives, to change and to thrive.
Find out how!
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." ~ T. Doyle Perry
All subject areas are covered with Elementary students from Grades 3 to 8: Language, Spelling, Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, French, Health, plus English as a Second Language. All materials are supplied (folders, booklets, paper) along with the use of educational computer programs on my desktop computers and iPad. Secondary students from Grades 9 to 12: Language and Writing, Essay writing, English as a Second Language, History and Geography, Organizational and Test-taking/Study Skills, Career Counseling (including Resume building). College/University courses and curricula : English, Writing, Journalism, Psychology, Philosophy, Education.

Proofing and Editing
"For every vision there are many revisions." ~ Jim Reilly
Each person has something valuable to say. Sometimes, the vocabulary you choose, the grammar you use, or the punctuation you apply may not be the most accurate means to reveal your astounding ideas. My proofing and editing skills will help your project, essay, article, or story be displayed to look and read its best. We can do this together in person or exchange information on-line or over the phone/Skype. You choose! It can actually be fun...true story!

Coach's Tips
"Turn knowledge into action." ~ Anonymous
I offer a variety of tips or hints on how to make changes that help support your learning in school and in life. More tools for your little red toolbox! The more tools you have, the better you can make the changes you want. The better you will be able to 'choose' what you want to do and how you want to do it.